Detective Eps.Murder at school

detective, there was a murder in a closed room in a school sma. murder took place yesterday, at about 19:00 (according to forensic experts), the secretariat of extracurricular theater mask. victim was found dead with cuts impact (bruising) in the head and in some parts of the body (legs, arms, and abdomen). colleagues who found the two victims, fellow members of the theater, at 10.00. locked state at the time, but randy, colleagues who found the first victim with andi, have another key, so that they can open it.

The following is the condition of the room and the condition of the victim
condition of the room

room made of wood, even with the floor. located on the roof-top-this 5-story school. special theater room that has a special key cover, and there are only 2 copies (carried by both members) are all made of teak wood. a lot of scratches on the floor, which most likely is a rough object displacement. a lot of stuff here, most of whom are staging a property for inclusion in a homemade wooden box. beside the door, there is a hole the size of a large rat.

victim Conditions

victim was found collapsed on the floor, about 4 feet from the bottom right corner of the room. being in the right corner of the right, found the victim's keys. Key (secretariat)

there are some people I suspect, because it has a motive to kill the victim.
1. caretaker

He was always angry, because the members of the theatrical mask always come home at night. So he's always overtime without pay. When it's his turn to maintain. To increase income, he became an intermediary between the canteen and his wife, his wife sells ice Kopyor which he said all homemade.

2. staff canteen

At that time he got home that night, cleaning the dishes. He was sometimes annoyed, because the members of the theater under the guise of food often do not pay. She likes to bake with his wife, sometimes she brings to school dough.

3. employee hygiene

He sometimes furious, to remove foul language, because it is not uncommon to members of the theater after the guise of letting the garbage strewn latian in the classroom. Sometimes children also throw trash out their secretariat, and flying in the wind into the school yard. Because of this, the school failed to obtain Adipura. This caused great upset to the principal's employee hygiene. His hobbies are making all kinds of toys are made of clay.

4. Randy

Is a member of the victim's friends, he also found the first victim with andi, was also a have a spare key. He has a small entity if the appeal by the victim. He said, the victim had seized his girlfriend, so as long as 7 days their anger. His hobby is making theatrical script and murder cases.


A. Who is the murderer?
2. How the victim could have died?
3. How to trick this confined space?


Some objects have bergesar without any scratches on the floor. Just leave scars dust, yes, you know. And this room is in the lower right corner toproof.

Twentyfive Double Eleven

You still remember?

This How i feel

Hate to remember, hate to feel, hate to miss.that's what I felt until the blood flow in the eye

Detective eps. Pembunuhan di sekolah

detective, ada sebuah pembunuhan di ruang tertutup di sebuah sekolah sma. pembunuhannya terjadi kemarin, sekitar jam 19.00 (menurut ahli forensik), di sekretariat ekskul Teater Kedok. korban ditemukan tewas dengan luka benturan (memar) di kepala dan di beberapa bagian tubuhnya (kaki, tangan, dan perut). yang menemukan adalah dua rekan korban, sesama anggota teater, jam 10.00. keadaan ruangan terkunci saat itu, tapi randy, rekan korban yang menemukan pertama kali bersama andi, memiliki kunci lain, sehingga mereka dapat membukanya.

berikut adalah kondisi ruangan dan kondisi korban
Kondisi ruangan

ruangan terbuat dari kayu, pun dengan lantainya. letaknya di top-roof-sekolah berlantai 5 ini. ruangan khusus teater kedok yang memiliki kunci khusus, dan hanya ada 2 copy (dibawa oleh kedua anggotanya) yang semua terbuat dari kayu jati. banyak goresan dilantai, yang kemungkinan besar adalah tergesernya benda secara kasar. banyak sekali barang disini, kebanyakan adalah properti untuk pementasan yang dimasukkan dalam peti kayu buatan sendiri. di samping bawah pintu, ada sebuah lubang seukuran tikus besar.

Kondisi korban

korban ditemukan terduduk di lantai, sekitar 4 meter dari pojok kanan bawah ruangan. sedang di pojok sebelah kanan tepat, ditemukan kunci milik korban. (kunci sekretariat)

ada beberapa orang yang saya curigai, karena memiliki motif untuk membunuh korban.
1. penjaga sekolah

dia selalu marah, karena para anggota teater kedok selalu pulang malam. Sehingga dia selalu lembur tanpa dibayar. Waktu itu adalah gilirannya menjaga. Untuk menambah penghasilan, dia menjadi perantara antara kantin dan istrinya, istrinya menjual es kopyor yang katanya semua buatan sendiri.

2. pegawai kantin

Waktu itu dia pulang malam, membersihkan piring. Dia terkadang jengkel, karena anggota-anggota teater kedok sering tidak membayar makanan. Dia suka membuat kue bersama istrinya, terkadang dia membawa adonannya kesekolah.

3. pegawai kebersihan

Dia terkadang marah besar, sampai mengeluarkan kata-kata kotor, karena tidak jarang anggota teater kedok membiarkan sampah berserakan sehabis latian di ruang kelas. Terkadang anak-anak juga membuang sampah di luar sekretariat mereka, dan terbang tertiup angin ke halaman sekolah. Gara-gara hal tersebut, SMA ini gagal memperoleh piala adipura. Hal ini menyebabkan kepala sekolah marah besar kepada pegawai kebersihan. Hobi nya adalah membuat macam-macam mainan yang terbuat dari tanah liat.

4. Randy

Adalah teman se-anggota korban, dia juga yang menemukan korban pertama kali bersama andi, pun juga yang memiliki kunci cadangan. Dia memiliki badan yang kecil jika di banding dengan korban. Katanya, korban pernah merebut pacarnya, sehingga selama 7 hari ini mereka marahan. Hobinya adalah membuat naskah teater dan kasus-kasus pembunuhan.


1. Siapa pembunuhnya?
2. Bagaimana korban bisa tewas?
3. Bagaimana trik ruangan tertutup ini?


Beberapa benda telah bergesar tanpa adanya goresan dilantai. Hanya meninggalkan bekas debu, ya, taulah. Dan ruangan ini berada di pojok kanan bawah toproof.