Detective eps. kebakaran toko berlian

Halo para Detektif……
Kebakaran terjadi di suatu toko berlian. Satu orang meninggal di TKP dia adalah Pak Deni pemilik toko itu. Tepat setelah toko di tutup pada jam 09.00 malam.
Kondisi korban:
Posisi korban terletak tak jauh dari etalase berlian yang terbuat dari kaca dan Luka bakar di sekujur tubuhnya

Kondisi TKP:
Sisa sisa berlian terbakar tidak Nampak di sekitar TKP. Pintu yang biasanya sudah di gembok dari jam 09.00 malam di temukan tidak terlihat gemboknya. Sisa sisa jilatan api hanya terlihat di dalam ruangan, sementara di luar sisa sisa pembakaran tidak nampak

Orang yang di curigai:
Satu satunya pegawai di toko itu. Dia izin pulang lebih awal pada pukul 04.00 sore, karena pamanya meninggal. Tapi akhir akhir ini Heri sedikit kesal karena gajinya belum kunjung di bayarkan.

Ibu Ida:
Pembeli yang datang ke toko itu. Dia datang sekitar pukul 03.45 sore, namun dia tidak jadi beli ke toko itu karena berlian yang di inginkanya terlalu mahal dan tidak bisa di tawar. Dia kesal dan memaki maki Heri waktu itu

Petugas parkir dia pernah mencoba mencuri salah satu berlian di toko itu. Namun aksinya di ketahui oleh Heri. Dia bertugas dari jam 07.00 pagi sampai toko tutup. Namun hari dimana kebakaran terjadi Jono pulang lebih awal jam 08.10 malam. Karena sudah di suruh pulang oleh bos Deni. Pak Deni beralasan Jono terlihat lemas saat itu. Terakhir bertemu korban sedang merokok berdua bersamanya

Penjual bensin di sebrang toko berlian. Dia sudah lama kesal kepada Pak Deni karena setiap kali ia membeli bensin selalu saja menunda pembayaran sampai seminggu kemudian. Termasuk pada hari kejadian si korban meninggal. Si korban membeli 1 derijen bensin pada jam 09.45 malam untuk mengisi bahan bakar motornya

Dia orang yang memasok berlian untuk toko itu. Dia datang ke toko itu pada jam 08.57 malam. Dia mengaku mengambil semua berlianya untuk melunaskan hutang si korban. Pada jam 09.40 malam ia pergi meninggalkan toko itu dengan mengambil semua berlian itu.

Siapakah pelakunya?
Apa motifnya?


Detective Eps.Murder at school

detective, there was a murder in a closed room in a school sma. murder took place yesterday, at about 19:00 (according to forensic experts), the secretariat of extracurricular theater mask. victim was found dead with cuts impact (bruising) in the head and in some parts of the body (legs, arms, and abdomen). colleagues who found the two victims, fellow members of the theater, at 10.00. locked state at the time, but randy, colleagues who found the first victim with andi, have another key, so that they can open it.

The following is the condition of the room and the condition of the victim
condition of the room

room made of wood, even with the floor. located on the roof-top-this 5-story school. special theater room that has a special key cover, and there are only 2 copies (carried by both members) are all made of teak wood. a lot of scratches on the floor, which most likely is a rough object displacement. a lot of stuff here, most of whom are staging a property for inclusion in a homemade wooden box. beside the door, there is a hole the size of a large rat.

victim Conditions

victim was found collapsed on the floor, about 4 feet from the bottom right corner of the room. being in the right corner of the right, found the victim's keys. Key (secretariat)

there are some people I suspect, because it has a motive to kill the victim.
1. caretaker

He was always angry, because the members of the theatrical mask always come home at night. So he's always overtime without pay. When it's his turn to maintain. To increase income, he became an intermediary between the canteen and his wife, his wife sells ice Kopyor which he said all homemade.

2. staff canteen

At that time he got home that night, cleaning the dishes. He was sometimes annoyed, because the members of the theater under the guise of food often do not pay. She likes to bake with his wife, sometimes she brings to school dough.

3. employee hygiene

He sometimes furious, to remove foul language, because it is not uncommon to members of the theater after the guise of letting the garbage strewn latian in the classroom. Sometimes children also throw trash out their secretariat, and flying in the wind into the school yard. Because of this, the school failed to obtain Adipura. This caused great upset to the principal's employee hygiene. His hobbies are making all kinds of toys are made of clay.

4. Randy

Is a member of the victim's friends, he also found the first victim with andi, was also a have a spare key. He has a small entity if the appeal by the victim. He said, the victim had seized his girlfriend, so as long as 7 days their anger. His hobby is making theatrical script and murder cases.


A. Who is the murderer?
2. How the victim could have died?
3. How to trick this confined space?


Some objects have bergesar without any scratches on the floor. Just leave scars dust, yes, you know. And this room is in the lower right corner toproof.

Twentyfive Double Eleven

You still remember?

This How i feel

Hate to remember, hate to feel, hate to miss.that's what I felt until the blood flow in the eye